To make your travels that much more enjoyable, we have included select frequently asked questions about the Truk Stop Hotel & Truk Lagoon Dive Center, Chuuk State and land tours for you to review.

Where is Chuuk State?
Chuuk is located 633 miles by air southeast of Guam deep in the heart of Micronesia. The five island groups that comprise Chuuk - Lagoon islands, the Mortlocks, Halls, Pattiw, and Namonweito - are about 300 miles north of the equator.

How can I travel to Chuuk?
Access to Chuuk is primarily via Continental Airlines, which has been flying to Chuuk since 1968. The airline, known affectionately in our region as Air Mike, offers visitors the option of arriving to Chuuk from Hawaii or Guam. From Guam, it's about an hour and a-half flight; from Hawaii, 12 hours, but you stop at each island on the famous island-hopper route.

What is the weather like?
Chuuk is set in the equatorial tropics. Average year-round temperature is 86 degrees; humidity is high.

Is the water safe to drink?
Normally and to play it safe, we recommend that you purchase distilled bottled water at any of the nearby stores. Rest assured that at the Truk Stop our distilled water is safe to drink.

How difficult is it to see some of the islands in the Lagoon and beyond?
Boat arrangements should be made in advance with our front desk staff if you'd like to visit any of the Lagoon islands. The weather in the Lagoon is always unpredictable, so rely on your boat captain for advice. To travel to the outer, remote islands, you can either fly on one of the small cargo planes or take the field trip ship. There is a weight restriction for flying, so you and your gear will have to be weighed. When traveling by boat, make sure you plan your time accordingly.

Do you recommend any specific dive company for diving the wrecks?
The Truk Lagoon Dive Center of course! Our center features all of the amenities you've come to expect in a world-class dive operation, plus there's more.

Is it all right to dive after arriving in Chuuk?
Safety is a critical issue at the Truk Stop. When you fly and dive, it is ok to dive Truk Lagoon. But, if you are to dive and then fly, you need time to get your body back to normal. Gases in your system could cause harm during high altitude flying.

What is the difference between "live aboard" and "land based" accommodations?
Live aboards are dive boats where you actually live on the boat during your stay in Chuuk. The activities you will participate in are focused on diving. Land based accommodations are just that - staying in a hotel. You have the added advantage of not only diving, but also seeing our islands' historic and cultural sites. The choice is yours, but with diversity comes a rich, holistic experience of travel.

If we aren't diving, what is there to see and do?
Our staff can arrange for half- or full-day tours of Weno Island, where you can see the Japanese lighthouse in Sapuk Village; the large cave used by the Japanese during World War II in Nepokos; Xavier High School, a former Japanese communication center turned Jesuit-run high school; and, shopping for some very unique cultural art.

Is it hard to communicate with loved ones back home?
Actually, it's quite easy. Our hotel operator can connect you anywhere in the world. If you need to use a facsimile machine, no problems. We also accept AT&T credit cards for calling. Calling cards can be purchased at the frontdesk and used to dial-out from your hotel room. At the FSM Telecommunications Center a short distance away, Internet and other telephone services are available 24 hours a day.

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