Antipolo Campus > Campus Profile


WCC Antipolo is located near the famous and historic Antipolo church. The campus is housed in a five-story building and is home to more than 500 students who are mostly residents of Antipolo and nearby provinces. A seven-story facility is currently in progress to accommodate more programs and students.

WCC is the former Westminster Colleges of the Philippines which was established last June 21, 2000. The institution offers bachelor degree courses in Business Administration Accountancy, Elementary and Secondary, Criminology and Nursing.

Under the Supervision of World Citi Colleges (formerly Quezon City Medical Center and Colleges ) aims to developed the youth to be the leaders of tomorrow. It seeks to instill in the youth a heritage of honor and excellence that always been espoused by its medical affiliate. The college offers a climate conducive to learning and the freedom to challenge assumptions as a part of the opportunities for the growth of tits students.

WCC Antipolo believes that education is a potent tool in developing an individual as a person, being an essential component of changing society; and that everyone has the right to be educated and be trained in order to become useful and productive member the community.

As educational institution, it is our task to make use of a direct our inherent resources for the furtherance and pursuit of the purpose for which this institution is committed to do.

To achieve this, WCC Antipolo elevates itself to more pristine role that of producing graduated with competence and compassion. It inculcates in its graduates a motivation and a commitment to serve our country.


College of Criminology
     BS Criminology

College of Education
     B Elementary Education
     B Secondary Education

WCC Easton School of Business
     BS Business Administration major in:
     Management, Marketing, Banking and Finance

College of Nursing and Midwifery
     BS Nursing


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